Useful Contacts

Here is a list of links you may find useful when seeking additional information.  Some of these are website links whilst others link to PDF documents. For the latter you will need to have Acrobat Reader installed on you computer in order to access them. To download a free copy please visit:

South Norfolk Council

Main site:
Planning and the Built Environment – useful to search for online for planning applications:
Environmental Health Departments – how to contact South Norfolk Council regarding environmental issues:

Norfolk County Council

Main site:

County & District Councillors

County Cllr. Martin Wilby:
Email [email protected]

District Cllr. Clayton Hudson (Beck Vale, Dickleburgh & Scole SNC):
Email [email protected]  or phone 07868 782560

District Cllr. Delme Thompson (Beck Vale, Dickleburgh & Scole SNC):
[email protected]  or phone 07866 368655

Member of Parliament for South Norfolk

Adrian Ramsay MP:

Here is a list of links you may find useful when seeking additional information.

Local Police

Harleston SNT Team
Norfolk Constabulary:
Local mobile services:

Service links

Mobile Library:
Bus timetables:
Diss and Thetford Citizens Advice Bureau:
Shelfanger Road, Diss IP22 4EH
No Appointment necessary, Drop in sessions Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri 10:00 15:00
Norfolk CA Advice Line 03444 111 444

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