Pulham St Mary Annual Parish Meeting’s

Every English Parish must have an Annual Parish Meeting, if the Parish Council Chairman attends then he must chair the meeting and he has second or casting vote. The meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June inclusively, may be convened by the chair of the Parish Council, or by any two Parish Councillors, or by six local electors. During 2020 dispensation was granted and an Annual Parish Meeting was not held.

The next Pulham St Mary APM meeting of electors is scheduled for Tuesday 19th March 2024, 7.00pm at the Pennoyer Centre,

APM Agenda 2024

APM Draft Minutes 2024


Chairmans Report 2024

PSM Finance report 2024

Charities Report 2024

Charities Account 2024

District Cllr Hudson Report 2024 

District Cllr Thompson Report 2024

County Cllr Wilby Report 2024

PCC Report  2024

Pennoyers Report 2024

Playground report

The Pulham Men Shed Report APM

YEP Report 2024

Sam Stats Sept 2023 to Feb 2024

Pulham St Mary meeting of electors 14th March 2023

APM Agenda 2023

Draft APM Minutes 14 3 23


Chairmans Report 2023

PSM Finance Report 2023

PSM Balance Sheet to 13 3 23

PSM Town Estate and William Pennoyer for the Poor Charities Report 2023

Interim Jt Accounts of PSM Town Estate and WP for the Poor Charities

Footpath Report 2023

PSM PCC Report 2023

Pulham St Mary APM meeting of electors 8th March 2022

APM Agenda 2022

Draft Minutes 9 3 22


PSMpc Balance Sheet 2021 22 ~ to date

PSM Town Estate/William Pennoyers for the Poor Charities Report 2022

Pulham St Mary Church Report 2022

Fopps Report 2022

Pennoyer Centre Report 2022

WEA Report 2022

SAM stats Oct 2020 to Sept 2021

SAM Stats Oct 2021 to Feb 2022

Pulham St Mary APM meeting of electors 13th April 2021

 APM Agenda 2021

Minutes 2021 13th April


Balance Sheet 2020/21

Parish Finacial Report 2020/21

Charity Accounts 2020/21

Charities Report 2020/21

Pennoyers Report 2021

Pulhams Branch WEA Report 2021

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