Information Provided by South Norfolk Council.
The Coronavirus national emergency means that we all need to pull together to help those in need.
There are individuals and families in need of help because of self -isolation and others who have experience to give.
We are planning to match those offers in a way that ensures that needs of the vulnerable are prioritised while others are supported to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, bills paid and benefits claimed.
As the local authority, we have been asked by government to assist, magnify and coordinate the efforts of local volunteers, based in each community whose it will e to ensure practical help can be focused on those who need it the most and to ensure that nobody is forgotten or over looked.
Working together means that messages can be effectively passed to those best placed to address them.
In preparation for this work we will collate requests for help and offers of support so they can be prioritised over the coming days by trained emergency planners.
If you need help or are prepared to support, please take a moment to visit the South Norfolk Council website and fill in our forms.
We are ensuring that residents and businesses have access to the most up to date information. Central Government has issued national information campaign that is running across the United Kingdom. This informs residents about how they can help protect themselves and others and help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), by practicing good respiratory and hand hygiene.
Coronavirus – Information from South Norfolk Council
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